Meet your goals
from home!
Professional, individualized, evidence-based services from the comfort of your home, office, school, or anywhere!
Experienced and compassionate client-centered care
Flexible and affordable to meet your needs
Effective, convenient, and engaging tele-therapy
Adult and pediatric speech, language, cognitive, and voice services

Book a free 20 minute consultation
via phone or Zoom.
During our consult, share your concerns and goals with us.
We will let you know if we can help you on your journey!
You decide if it's a good fit for you and your schedule.
If yes, we will assess further and make a plan!
Meet the Founder

Erica Hernandez Milbach,
So glad you're here!
I started Help with My Speech because I'm passionate about helping clients meet their goals. I know it's not easy to find expert, professional, individualized care to address your specific concerns. And when we do, it's often not easily accessible, convenient, flexible, or affordable. I am happy to report Help with My Speech provides all the above! I am a forever learner and offer a unique skill set to assist in your communication journey. I am extremely dedicated to my clients' specific needs. I am a multi-licensed and multi-certified speech-language pathologist with over a decade of clinical care. My husband and I are raising two rambunctious toddlers outside of St. Louis. I provide skilled services throughout CA, DE, MO, MT, NY, RI, SD, and VT via teletherapy.
More Help with My
Speech Team:

Kristin Eades,
Kristin makes the best edition to Help with My Speech! She has 8 years of clinical experience working with the pediatric population and specializes in speech, language, fluency, and pragmatic skills. She loves the transition to teletherapy given the improved access and convenience it provides clients (and us therapists too!) She provides fun, effective, and accessible virtual speech-language services part-time while also enjoying her precious identical twin baby girls!